The certainty of uncertainty

The world tells you how to live. And then the world tells you you’re living it wrong.

You should take risks — they say.
But, taking risks comes at a cost. And you should be aware of it — they don’t say.

You’re afraid for no reason, silly. Don’t worry about it — they say.
But, being afraid ensures you are precautionary and prudent.
You shouldn’t ignore what you’re afraid of, rather analyze it — they don’t say.

You shouldn’t give up so easily — they say.
But, trying again and again, and again is draining. It’s okay to take a break — they don’t say.

You should work hard and stop being lazy — they say.
But, just because you work hard, doesn’t mean you should just be working everything in a hard way.
It’s more important to ensure if you’re working the right thing than hard — they don’t say.

You’re young and inexperienced. You should listen to your elders — they say.
But, you’re young and you have the power to change how you carry yourself forward.
You’re a wet clay and won’t stay wet for long.
Ensure what experiences you encounter before you’re tagged ‘experienced’ — they don’t say.

You should abide by the rules of the society to survive — they say.
But, survival in the society is taken care of — evolution will stay with you.
What matters is whether the rules that make your survival are meaningful, worthy, and morally right.
Because they often aren’t — they don’t say.

Life is uncertain.
You could cease to exist tomorrow.
You could cease to exist in a month.
Or you could live long enough to find immortality.
But you cannot know which. You can be hopeful. You can strive for that.
But you can’t be certain.

Why should you be certain anyway? What’s gonna come out of it? Perhaps the tiny superiority that you were right? Or perhaps, you can pretend you know where you are going and what you're doing?

The beauty of life, lies in its uncertainty. It always does. The chaotic nature of it all is what’s requiring order which in turn powers new chaos. It’s okay to live today. It is better to live today and also wonder and be hopeful about tomorrow. Take it all in. One day at a time. Once experience at a time.

Breathe and be certain that uncertainty will prevail.