
[In progress]


If you're new here, you should probably know a couple of things.

Yes, this is a book. An evolving one, if you will.


  • Use the menubar to navigate to the chapters of the book.
  • Use the brush to change the theme of the book!
  • You can use the search function to search for anything across the whole book.

You can view the CHANGELOG in the appendix to get the posts by day/month/year. You'll see the evolution of the book chronologically.

If you're still here, or already have been here, continue. You might find at least something useful somewhere along the pages. From the unwritten words. Between the pages. And I am genuinely happy about the fact that you wanted to check out this book. 🥰 My email's always open if you wanna chat.

About the author

I'm Rinaldo and I'm...


Hey, I don't really know what I am. Philosophically speaking, at least. But of course, nobody does (but wouldn't care to admit, mostly)

I'm trying to be a better human, developer, and writer. So that's what you'll probably read about throughout.

Structure of the site

(Randomly spread across chapters)
  • Spills

    I write a lot of random things apart from my developer life, and that's what you'll find over here. Especially on random, unintellegible philosophical ideas. 🤷🏻‍♂️

  • Code Crumples

    I'm a developer. I encounter a lot of interesting, and weird code patterns and styles of software development that I think more people should consider taking a look at.

  • README/Preface/Foreword

    Ping! You're here. 🤪

And this site is subject to evolve, as does everything around us.